Blog_Lithe Lashes_In the Spotlight with Elizabeth_Featured Image_Model Elizabeth, face shot, wearing flowing white, grey backdrop, wearing lashes

In the Spotlight with Elizabeth

Apr 02, 2019Lithe Lashes
By: Lithe Lashes

Our photo shoots are not only an opportunity to see and capture our lashes on real women, but also to spend time with them and start to understand what their relationship is to beauty. We all have such a personal connection to the rituals that make up our daily beauty routines, and it’s these insights and experiences that we love to explore when we have the chance.

After our last shoot, we asked our gorgeous silver-haired model, Elizabeth, if she would answer a few questions for us. She radiated a positive energy on set and we couldn’t help but be inspired by her and the natural elegance she possessed.


When and how did you get into modelling?

About three years ago and by complete happenstance. I took my daughter to an audition and was asked who my agent was…


What are a few things that you love about the modelling industry?

The creative and energetic people I meet. I love their ability to pull me into the moment and go with it.


How has your relationship to beauty evolved over the years?

For me, beauty has been—and always will be—about how I cultivate my self love and share this love with the world around me. It’s been tumultuous at times but it always comes back to how I am as a person and who it is I aspire to be.


What does “natural beauty” mean to you?

Radiance—that inner spark that connects each and everyone of us with the infinite. It’s in and around us, constantly there for the taking.


One thing we love about beauty is that so often, it’s wrapped into our daily routines and rituals. Can you tell us a little about one of your favourite parts about your routine?

Again, it’s the inner work that sustains me. Meditation grounds me and helps me find perspective and balance. It’s the first thing I do every morning and then again late afternoon (sometimes later).

Blog_Lithe Lashes_In the Spotlight with Elizabeth_second Image_Model Elizabeth, face shot, wearing flowing white, grey backdrop, wearing lashes


What’s your favourite day look as far as makeup is concerned? What about an evening, or special occasion look?

I like a clean and natural look, with the occasional bold lip for fun. My palette has changed over the years. In the evening or for special occasions I like a liquid, dark liner and a more dramatic lipstick. I don’t really have a set plan, it’s about being genuine and feeling comfortable, with some fun thrown in for good measure.


How do you practice self-care?

Self-care is an continual practice of trying to be aware of my participation in everything around me. Meditation helps a lot with this, as does yoga, exercising, eating well, getting enough sleep, and being present. Some days I’m better at it than others, but what I have learned—and hope will continue learning—is that self-love is the ticket. This realization is the gift of aging.


Elizabeth wears our No. 01's and No. 03's 
Photos by Vai Yu Law

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